Saturday, July 29, 2006

Off Topic - Who visit this Blog ?

Some statistical information regarding this blog visitors.

Data since December 20 , 2005 :

1) 92,119 Visits for a total 230,469 page views. About 55% of visits are returning visitors and 45% new visitors.

2) Geographic location: 55% of visitors from the United States the rest are coming from 99 other countries. Other then the USA most visitors are coming from: Canada, United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, Germany, Thailand, Israel, India and Italy.

3) Among visitors are hedge fund managers, speculators, physical buyers, international banks employees and academics.

4) Technical details:

Operating System: 95% using the windows platform, 4% using Macintosh, 1% UNIX systems.

Browsers: 71% are using Internet Explorer, 23% using FireFox , 6% other browsers.

Screen Resolutions: 50% - 1024x768, 16% - 1280x1024, 13% - 800x600 and the rest – 21% are mostly using various higher resolutions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hedge fund managers check the website often...that's interesting.



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